that animation is so smooth, its almost... concerning... Anyways heres 4 stars.
that animation is so smooth, its almost... concerning... Anyways heres 4 stars.
thank you very much :D
Enjoy the feautred section
Thank you!
Nice art style man, love it
What was this made in?
I like cheese
Thank You Rocko
Really awesome animation, feel like it was unique. I hope that it's a new and unique series!
2022 needs to come sooner lmao
Thank you!! This will actually be a movie. Fingers crossed.
Love this so much! Very talented!
thanks, glad you think so!
Enjoy the front page
Oney Plays is funny and cool. Good one
Hello, my name is Logan, but I go by Goose online! Currently learning animation at Valencia College. I love the medium and love to learn more about it. I also love watching you guys, the community. You all rock!
Valencia College
Orlando, Florida
Joined on 2/15/21